vendor information

  • ⦿ Applications Available May 15th, 2024

    ⦿ Priority Application Deadline: July 28, 2024. Notice of Invitation July 31st, 2024

    ⦿ Late applications considered, space permitting (10$ late fee)


    ⦿ Payment due upon acceptance to secure spot no later than August 7th, 2023

    ⦿ Deadline for a full refund: August 25, 2023

    ⦿ Set up: Saturday, September 7th, 10:00am-12:45pm

    ⦿ Tear Down:  September 7th, 7:00pm-9:00pm

  • ⦿ Booth Fees:

    -$75/vendor & $45/students.   Student price discounted to encourage and support up and coming new artists.

    *$10 discount if you are a return vendor from 2023!

    *$10 Fee will be applied for Late applications (after July 28th)

    We encourage all people to apply even if funds are an issue and we will work with you to get a booth when you are accepted.

    ⦿ The Zipper will provide each Vendor with a 10X10 designated space. This includes: 2 chairs and a 6-foot table for your use.  Also, we will have a hotspot provided in order for vendors to accept credit cards, PayPal, Venmo, etc. You will be able to unload and park your vehicle for free for the duration of the festival in a nearby lot.

    ⦿ Vendor must provide their own tent, anchors, and any other display materials needed.

  • The Zipper Festival can accommodate 50+ Vendors. These artists will be selected by our jurors, a group composed of three to five people from the Columbia community.  Products will be chosen that reflect our overall mission and vision of The Zipper. This includes handmade items with a price point that makes your art accessible.  The submitted work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    ⦿ Creativity

    ⦿ Originality and Uniqueness

    ⦿ Design Components/Technique

    ⦿ Quality/Craftsmanship

    ⦿ Professionalism of booth display if applicable

    If you submitted an application by July 28th, you will be notified no later than July 31th, 2024. If you submitted your application after July 28th, we will jury your application, space permitting, and notify you within the week.

  • When you accept the invitation to participate in our festival, we will do what we can to assure you are happy, comfortable, and selling your wares to the loads of people showing up!  Some of the perks included are listed below.

    ⦿ Free water to vendors for the duration of the event

    ⦿ Booth sitters to provide you with a break if needed

    ⦿ Volunteer assistance with load in and load out

    ⦿ Free, reserved parking close to the event

    ⦿ Artist hospitality and Information station

    ⦿ Advertising will include website, social media platforms, posters, yard signs, postcards.

    ⦿ Website advertising will include each Artists name, links, and color photos.

  • Once you accept the invitation to participate in The Zipper, you will be able to secure your booth space by paying the booth fee.  Payment is due by August 7th. You may request a full refund of the payment before August 25th.  Refund requests cannot be fulfilled after this date. No exceptions.